Everyone's a Winner!

The one-year anniversary of the publication of The Last Best Thing is coming right up. (See also my introduction blog from last spring.) As I mentioned in last month’s blog, I’ll be celebrating the occasion with a contest at my personal website. For the month of April, site subscribers will be registered for a chance to win one of three free ebooks at the end of the month. In addition, because I’m so grateful to readers who make books like this possible, I want to thank all new subscribers with an exclusive bonus chapter.

The Last Best Thing is told from multiple viewpoints. All of the main characters get a chance to tell the story from their own perspectives—all but one, that is. Joe, the character around which the entire plot revolves, remains voiceless throughout by virtue of being dead before the action even starts. So I thought it would be interesting to let Joe speak for himself and offer his story as a lagniappe (“a little something extra”) to augment readers’ enjoyment of the tale.

Complete the form to receive a digital copy of a bonus chapter for The Last Best Thing.

You can get in touch with me on my Kellan author page, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.

The Last Best Thing

Written on April 1, 2016